A songwriter writes songs all the time, whereas just writing a song can be done by anyone, anytime. - Bryan Adams

Song Ideas Are Everywhere

If you’re running low on song ideas, you’re probably not present enough. I’ll say that again: if you’re running low on song ideas, you’re probably not present enough.

Song ideas are everywhere but you have to pay attention to what’s going on around you. Listen to the people in your life because their words are valuable. Hear the things going on around you, including nature. Read magazines, books and blogs, they contain inspiring words. Listen to podcasts. Look through your old works. Let your ears hear what’s happening in your culture and make your response in a song.

Ideas are all over the place, you just have to pay attention.

A songwriter writes songs all the time, whereas just writing a song can be done by anyone, anytime. - Bryan Adams Click To Tweet

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