Prepare to Ride the Wave

Prepare to Ride the Wave

My family and I recently got back from a beach vacation. One day we went to the beach and the waves were great for boogie boarding, averaging about 3-4 feet high. The place we were staying only had kid sized boogie boards, but I tried anyway. I really wanted to enjoy the waves. It didn’t work. The board couldn’t keep me above water. I wasn’t prepared for the opportunity.

Opportunities come along more often than we think, we’re just not prepared for them. Thankfully in my case I could go to the store, buy a new boogie board and enjoy the waves. But it’s not always that easy. Being prepared could be as simple as having all your song files ready in various formats (mp3, wav, etc.) or as complex as being able to improvise with another band. If there’s an opportunity you’re hoping will come your way, prepare for it now. That way when it comes, you can take it.