Build a Musical Creative Space

Sorry this is a day late, I forgot to hit publish! If you’ve never considered what’s surrounding you when you write lyrics, now is the time! The things around you can help or hurt your creativity,…

Done Is Better Than Perfect

Release an album or song knowing you can do better, and will next time. Publish your book, even though it doesn’t have the perfect cover. Put out your most recent blog post, even though it…

Song Ideas Are Everywhere

If you’re running low on song ideas, you’re probably not present enough. I’ll say that again: if you’re running low on song ideas, you’re probably not present enough. Song ideas are everywhere but you have…

Your Lyrical Legacy

The Legacy of Others As lyricists, we have a unique opportunity to leave a legacy with what we write. You probably have at least a few lyricists that you look up to, that have impacted…